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Light can not chase a moth nor can water go uphill.

Success cannot be chased down. It can only be attracted. To attempt to chase success is like believing light chases the month. No. The moth comes to the light. The same can be said about success and yourself. You attract it by your character and skills.

There are many forms of success. find what makes you satisfied. That is how you can start defining it. It may not be the same for everyone. It may not be the same for you and your spouse. Define success. Some think it’s fortune. Others fame. Others spiritual depth. Many family life. Find it. Define it.

Circumstances are not the same

First we are not all born equal. Some of us have the blessings of the gene pool to our favor. Others have institutional headstarts. Some of us have systemic assumptions made at first glance, both positive and negative.

When all you have are lemons…

The issue isn’t your circumstances. We all have adversity, some less others more. It’s what you do about it that matters. The poor coal miner has the mine shut down. He blames the company, the unions, the regulations, the government, his senator and representatives, his friends and family. He doesn’t get a new job. He just complains.

Yet, not all complain. Some of those coal miners go off and continue to live fulfilled lives beyond the closing the of the coal mine. The situation happened to them all but some are feeling successful and others are not. Why is that?

It’s because it’s what you DO with the circumstances given to you that determine your outcome.

The very definition of the saying “When all you have are lemons…make lemonade”.

This requires change. Change is everywhere. We either are changing positively or changing negatively.


The light cannot chase the moth. The moth, instead, is attracted to the light. What you’ve attracted so far is your light. What moths do you have fluttering around you?

Are you satisfied with where you are at? If not then change it. Start with something. The willful act of becoming something different than you are is the start of growing into the kind of light that attracts the kind of moth you want.

If success to you is career focused. Do you have people calling you for presentations? Talks? Job offers? Then it’s time to start growing, changing and going forward.

Gravity of Character

The gravity of your character determines the magnitude of the success you attract.

One of the most satisfying experiences in the world is the act of progress and a burning purpose.

Find your why. Why are you where you at now? Why are you heading in the direction you are going? Remind yourself daily. With purpose and progress comes passion, focus and discipline.

Weight of Skills

in 10 years you’ll arrive…

In addition to character skills are the next focus. The habits you form daily are the habits that will make you who you are in 10 years.

Make no mistake in 10 years you’ll arrive. It’s whether you’ll be the person who you want to be or not.


Light cannot chase a moth and neither can you chase success. Success is attracted by your character and skill set.